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Energy Geopolitics

25 gennaio 2021

Energy Geopolitics

On Sunday December 5th we will welcome Fabrizio Maronta, Margherita Paolini e Massimo Nicolazzi in our webinar: “Geopolitica dell’energia”. Our aim is to offer an analytical discussion of the role of energy resources within States interactions, as predeterminations and objectives of cooperation and competition. We would also like to debate on potential scopes for future policies. Starting from the economic and financial aspects of the vast world of energy, we will jointly analyze the role of the main Powers producing and exporting energy resources; we will try to understand the European position among the major global players and the characteristics of the new Green Deal. Before the final debate with our participants we will examine Before starting a debate with the participants, we will examine the main environmental implications of the current energy production and immerse ourselves in the search of valid prospects for an environmentally-sustainable and economic energy renewal.

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