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Interviews at the fireplace

Even from home we want to continue to investigate issues such as international politics, to take an interest in the world, to discuss and ask ourselves questions.

The FIREPLACE INTERVIEWS are designed for this: thanks to important experts and through simple questions, we try to retrace some thematic threads that respond to the curiosity and desire for further study that characterize our followers.

WhatsApp Image 2020-04-25 at

Referendum 2020: cut of parliamentarians or representation?

With prof. Vassallo, professor of Political Science and former parliamentarian, we discussed the recent reform object of the referendum on the cut of parliamentarians, analyzing its content and political and economic consequences.


Tosses and raises: The history of football on arrival

of COVID-19

Have you ever wondered what effect postponing sporting events has? And what are the causes that have pushed history to postpone entire championships? Professor Riccardo Brizzi talks to us about the Covid-19 events on football!


Big Data: the invisible key to cybersecurity

When networks have easy access to our data, the manipulation of these leads to dark consequences: what will be the Italian response? And what is the future of digital security? Let us entrust ourselves to Professor Giustozzi!

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Fighting functional illiteracy on social media: Torcha's example

With Marco Cartasegna, influencer and co-founder of Torcha, a current and transparent information page, we talked about functional illiteracy on social media and how to find a median way between information and ideology.


Libyan war and Italian foreign policy

In the last few years of economic crisis, the arms sector has recorded very high production performances: this is a particularly important business in conflict areas. We analyze the situation in Libya together with Nello Scavo, international reporter, judicial reporter and war correspondent. 


Covid: the new strategic weapon in the Middle East?

With Lorenzo Trombetta, correspondent of the Ansa Agency and writer for Limes online, we tried to shed some light on the spread of the virus in this region of the world: why do we hear  little about it?

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Erdogan's checkmate in Europe

Professor Michela Ceccorulli, an expert in migration and security, speaks on the migration issue between Turkey,  Greece and the EU analyzing their positions, the conditions on the Greek-Turkish border and the possible developments of this international emergency.


The economic down:

the litmus test

for the EU

The Coronavirus emergency is not just about health: in just one week the world stock exchanges have burned 5 trillion dollars and  Piazza Affari in Milan closed at -17%. Between the ECB and interest rates, between Cura Italia and Coronabond, let's clarify together with the professor and economist Carlo Cottarelli.


Security 2.0:  

the new frontiers of attack and defense

Among the so-called cyber superpowers stand out the USA, Russia and China, the latter protagonist in the field of 5G. Cyberspace is used not only to trigger conflicts but also in peacetime. Which role for the EU, which one for Italy?

If you are curious, do not miss this interview with Professor Giacomello!


Emergency's fight against Covid-19

What is the impact of the pandemic on the most vulnerable groups in our society? And what role do the numerous NGOs in the area play in assisting and managing the health emergency? The president of Emergency Italia talks about it. 


USA: the obstacle course of  primary

The Covid-19 pandemic is now present all over the world and is blocking or slowing down endless activities, but America is not ready to stop. We do not know how the primaries will end, but we do know that the new (or reconfirmed) leader of the White House will always have to deal with two Americas: the one that makes protagonism its strength, and the one that is now tired of this "imperialist effort. ". We talk about it with Dario Fabbri, editor of Limes.


Italian foreign policy: how Italy relates to the world

We had the opportunity to speak with Silvia Colombo, a researcher at the IAI for the Middle East, Mediterranean and Italian foreign policy. What better figure to ask questions about the future of our country from an international perspective?


"Opec, crude oil and the price war"

What effect does an unprecedented 13% drop in crude oil have on national economies and who are the actors silently interacting by regulating world prices? Let's find out with Professor Riccardo Rovelli.


Putin's Russia:

the rise of a

new czar?

Outgoing President Putin has promoted a constitutional reform that would allow him to carry out a further mandate after the expiry in 2024. After the approval of the Duma, the people will be called to referendum. We investigated with Professor Aldo Ferrari the fundamental role of this figure in his country.


The restriction of rights for whom

does not have them

In 2020, media coverage of the migration issue is even more reduced, but the crisis is far from resolved. How has the pandemic changed migratory flows? What are the consequences of the state of emergency for those who do not have a certain civil status? We talk about it with Professor Borraccetti, professor of EU law and immigration expert.


The individual in the society of immediacy

Can philosophy give us a key to understanding the world and its complexity? Absolutely yes, it is not just a mere scholastic notion but it can be applied to our daily life. Together with Maura Gancitano, philosopher, writer and creator of the project, we analyze some current issues: the loneliness of the lockdown, the condition of women in society, being rather than appearing.


Politik als Beruf: politics according to profession / vocation according to Max Weber

With Professor D'Andrea, professor at the University of Florence, we rediscovered the relevance of a multifaceted figure like that of Weber. On the occasion of the centenary of his death we asked ourselves how our conception of politics has changed and if there is still a trace of the "vocation" ...

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