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EVENTI - World Cafe
Ancora 1

The NATO and the new global challenges

January 24th 2021


HIKMA welcomes two exceptional guests within the framework of advocacy of Atlantic principles and collective security to discuss the role and the importance of NATO for security and international relations. In particular, we will analyse the main NATO scenarios of interventions with reference to specific geographical contexts, such as the Middle East and the Mediterranean. We will further debate on its systemic rivalry with Russia and China, in the light of the new NATO2020 agenda and of its new strategies ranging from cybersecurity to the defence of airspace. 


Would you like to find more about regional and international security? Do you want to get a clerarer picture about the future of the international cooperation? Do you wish to find answers to your questions on security challenges? Stay in touch/ follow our channels, send us your questions and join our webinar to find out all about our super-guests!

The NATO and the new global challenges

January 24th 2021


HIKMA welcomes two exceptional guests within the framework of advocacy of Atlantic principles and collective security to discuss the role and the importance of NATO for security and international relations. In particular, we will analyse the main NATO scenarios of interventions with reference to specific geographical contexts, such as the Middle East and the Mediterranean. We will further debate on its systemic rivalry with Russia and China, in the light of the new NATO2020 agenda and of its new strategies ranging from cybersecurity to the defence of airspace. 


Would you like to find more about regional and international security? Do you want to get a clerarer picture about the future of the international cooperation? Do you wish to find answers to your questions on security challenges? Stay in touch/ follow our channels, send us your questions and join our webinar to find out all about our super-guests!

The NATO and the new global challenges

January 24th 2021


HIKMA welcomes two exceptional guests within the framework of advocacy of Atlantic principles and collective security to discuss the role and the importance of NATO for security and international relations. In particular, we will analyse the main NATO scenarios of interventions with reference to specific geographical contexts, such as the Middle East and the Mediterranean. We will further debate on its systemic rivalry with Russia and China, in the light of the new NATO2020 agenda and of its new strategies ranging from cybersecurity to the defence of airspace. 


Would you like to find more about regional and international security? Do you want to get a clerarer picture about the future of the international cooperation? Do you wish to find answers to your questions on security challenges? Stay in touch/ follow our channels, send us your questions and join our webinar to find out all about our super-guests!

The NATO and the new global challenges

January 24th 2021


HIKMA welcomes two exceptional guests within the framework of advocacy of Atlantic principles and collective security to discuss the role and the importance of NATO for security and international relations. In particular, we will analyse the main NATO scenarios of interventions with reference to specific geographical contexts, such as the Middle East and the Mediterranean. We will further debate on its systemic rivalry with Russia and China, in the light of the new NATO2020 agenda and of its new strategies ranging from cybersecurity to the defence of airspace. 


Would you like to find more about regional and international security? Do you want to get a clerarer picture about the future of the international cooperation? Do you wish to find answers to your questions on security challenges? Stay in touch/ follow our channels, send us your questions and join our webinar to find out all about our super-guests!

The NATO and the new global challenges

January 24th 2021


HIKMA welcomes two exceptional guests within the framework of advocacy of Atlantic principles and collective security to discuss the role and the importance of NATO for security and international relations. In particular, we will analyse the main NATO scenarios of interventions with reference to specific geographical contexts, such as the Middle East and the Mediterranean. We will further debate on its systemic rivalry with Russia and China, in the light of the new NATO2020 agenda and of its new strategies ranging from cybersecurity to the defence of airspace. 


Would you like to find more about regional and international security? Do you want to get a clerarer picture about the future of the international cooperation? Do you wish to find answers to your questions on security challenges? Stay in touch/ follow our channels, send us your questions and join our webinar to find out all about our super-guests!

The NATO and the new global challenges

January 24th 2021


HIKMA welcomes two exceptional guests within the framework of advocacy of Atlantic principles and collective security to discuss the role and the importance of NATO for security and international relations. In particular, we will analyse the main NATO scenarios of interventions with reference to specific geographical contexts, such as the Middle East and the Mediterranean. We will further debate on its systemic rivalry with Russia and China, in the light of the new NATO2020 agenda and of its new strategies ranging from cybersecurity to the defence of airspace. 


Would you like to find more about regional and international security? Do you want to get a clerarer picture about the future of the international cooperation? Do you wish to find answers to your questions on security challenges? Stay in touch/ follow our channels, send us your questions and join our webinar to find out all about our super-guests!

Journey to the Center of populism

Friday, January 22nd 2021 from 2 pm to 5 pm


What does “populism” mean? How can we identify the advantages and disadvantages of the populist rhetoric?  Today populism is an extremely popular topic in political debates, yet not everyone is able to easily recognize the main features that identify and link its exponents. That’s why HIKMA is offering a workshop fully dedicated to a comprehensive analysis of the 21st century populist phenomena. In a brand-new collaboration with Team Populism from the Brigham Young University -collaborators of The Guardian and specialized in populist studies - the workshop will discuss the populist rhetoric and the different methods to uncover it in public speeches. Professor Bruno Castanho Silvia – PHD student, current researcher for the University of Cologne and leader of Team Populism’s “Text Analysis” – will join us to present the history of populism, its main aspects and the leaders who most embodied

its distinctive features. At the end of the workshop, not only you will have deepened the history and profiles of famous populist characters, but you will have also recognized current politicians who still use this type of rhetoric.


The geopolitcs

of energy

December, 5th
Aggiungi un sottotitolo.png

On Sunday December 5th we will welcome Fabrizio Maronta, Margherita Paolini e Massimo Nicolazzi in our webinar: “Geopolitica dell’energia”. Our aim is to offer an analytical discussion of the role of energy resources within States interactions, as predeterminations and objectives of cooperation and competition. We would also like to debate on potential scopes for future policies.

Starting from the economic and financial aspects of the vast world of energy, we will jointly analyze the role of the main Powers producing and exporting energy resources; we will try to understand the European position among the major global players and the characteristics of the new Green Deal. Before the final debate with our participants we will examine Before starting a debate with the participants, we will examine the main environmental implications of the current energy production and immerse ourselves in the search of valid prospects for an environmentally-sustainable and economic energy renewal. 

The “World café” with

Professor Rodolfo Lewanski

Hikma during Covid-19

Even from home we want to continue to deepen themes such as international politics, to take an interest in the world, to discuss and ask questions.

The FIREPLACE INTERVIEWS are designed for this: thanks to important experts and through simple questions we try to retrace some thematic threads that respond to the curiosity and desire for in-depth analysis that characterize our followers.

The “World café” with

Professor Rodolfo Lewanski

20th february 2020

Discuss, analyze, partecipate, encourage. These are our event's key words. The World Cafè is an innovative method to collect ideas and find solutions, in the common framework of an assembly where everyone is invited to participate. 

The 20th of February 2020 in the city of Forlì, 40 students have had the opportunity to discuss and debate current issues, with the precious help of Professor Rodolfo Lewanski, an expert in 

World Cafè.jpeg


                Lucio Caracciolo

“Europe, a disputed land:

the role of the old continent in

the new world disorder”

5th December, 2019

Trump, Xi, Putin, Erdogan …what about Europe?

Together with Lucio Caracciolo, founder and director of Limes, the most important italian geo-political magazine, we analyzed today's global situation and the role that the European Union could, or should, have. 

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Lucio Caracciolo, Stefano Bianchini - EuArtist Name
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Michael Leigh & Gabriele Pastrello, “Inside Out: the Brexit conflict

between leave and remain "

12th november, 2019

Although it has happened four years ago, the debate over Brexit still inflames the political arena, both in and out of the UK. Which scenarios are now foreseeable? During an Anglo-Italian conference, two experts took stock about Brexit, a crucial event for the European Union.



Inside Out. The Brexit conference betweeArtist Name
00:00 / 1:38:00

AdPI 2019:

International Politics Academy

27th September 2019

An entire day of cultural exchange, knowledge, but also emotions and experiences. Our Academy proposed several conferences in the morning and in the afternoon: we talked about Europe and Africa, as well as world geopolitics and geoeconomics, but also about the democratic system in the twentieth century. 

However Hikma is much more: we organized a lunch both for the students and for our expert speakers, to share a moment of leisure and confrontation, and to give them the opportunity to discuss and give opinions in a positive atmosphere.  

Europa e Africa, rapporti complessi di dArtist Name
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Le grandi potenze nello scenario internaArtist Name
00:00 / 1:31:25
WhatsApp Image 2020-02-29 at
A che punto è la democrazia [27-09-19] (Artist Name
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Il_bipolarismo_geoeconomico_globale_e_leArtist Name
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Stefano Ravagnan &

Stefano Bianchini,

“Central Asia in the international

theatre. A contested area

between Russia and Cina

May 13th, 2019 

Nowadays Cina is becoming a more and more central actor in the geopolitical theatre: but be careful not to underestimate the other actors on the stage. In fact, Putin’s Russia seems to be very determined in taking back whatever it has had.

L'Asia Centrale tra Russia e Cina [13-05Artist Name
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EVENTI - Caracciolo
EVENTI - Brexit
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Hikma - Student Association

Via Valverde 15, primo piano, 47121 Forlì FC, Italia


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