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The program




Day 1


Day 1

18.00-19.00: Inauguration

19.00-19.40: Atifete Jahjaga, "The clash between democracy and nationalism - a view on the Western Balkans"

Day 2

10.00-11.15: Parag Khanna, "The Asianization century" - Matteo Dian moderates

11.30-13.00: Michele Valensise, "European governance and foreign policy: Germany's leadership and prospects for Italy"


14.30-17.00: Workshops


17.30-19.00: Bruno Simma, "The International Court of Justice between international law and civil rights" - Attila Tanzi moderates


20.30-22.30: Cocktail Career Day

Day 3

9.00-10.00: Angela Kane, "Disarmament and rearmament: issues and solutions"

10.00-11.15: Ambassador Luca Ferrari, "The Chinese leap: great contribution to multipolarity or a new unipolar imbalance?" - Antonio Fiori moderates

11.30-13.00: Romano Prodi, "Covid-19: EU community response and the impact on economic development: a European analysis"

14.30-17.00: Workshops

17.30-19.00: Enrico Letta, "Italy between austerity and expansionary policies, successes?"

Day 4

10.00-11.15: Luciano Violante, "Italian Constitution: liberal order and international crises to understand how it was, how it is and how it will be" - Lucio Pegoraro moderates  

12.00-13.30: Nathalie Van Raemdonck, "New frontiers of Cybersecurity between normbuilding and cyberspace in a multipolar world" - Gian Piero Siroli moderates


14.30-17.00: Workshops


17.30-19.00: Mario Del Pero, "The historical factors of US power, the conception of hegemony, the scenarios of the Trump-Biden alternative"

19.00-19.30: Thanks and closing ceremony

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