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This pillar aims at understanding what kind of agency the young generations are currently using to shape the world of politics, either from within or as outsiders, and, at the same time, how politics involves the youth.

Discussions will address the weak relationship between youth and politics: the lack of young representation in political institutions, young people's alienation from public life, and the underinvestment in "youth policies".

Moreover, current events such as the Russia-Ukraine war and its impact on the younger generation will be discussed.


  • “How War Changed my Life”


  • “(A)Political Young Generation


How war changed my life

In this conference, HIKMA will address the topic of conflicts and focus on analysing their impact on the younger population. The first part of the conference will focus on two points. Firstly, what is the reaction to the outbreak of war, i.e. which paths are taken by those involved such as armed resistance, staying in the country or not. Secondly, there will be the question of what is the role of social media within a context of war. The reference context is the ongoing Russia - Ukraine conflict. In the second part, the focus is on what the economic impact of the conflict is. More specifically, how it changes the working lives of young people and what impact it has on the labour market as well as analysing whether there is an increase in economic inequality.


Giorgio Cella

Giorgio Cella is a historian and international geopolitics analyst, author of 'History and Geopolitics of the Ukrainian Crisis. From Kievan Rus' to Today'. He teaches Geopolitics of the post-Soviet space at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and was international election observer in Ukraine and Georgia for the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

Cristiano Tinazzi

Cristiano Tinazzi has been a professional freelance journalist specialising in crisis and war zones since 2004, after graduating in History from University of Milan. 

Since 2006, he has covered the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah, then travelled to Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and Lebanon. From 2011, he covered the Arab Spring in Tunisia and then Libya. In 2012, he shot the documentary 'Syria 2.0 - The battle for Aleppo' for RAI (finalist at the Al-Jazeera film festival in Doha 2012, Qatar). He has also been in the Donbas (Ukraine), South Sudan, Senegal, Russia and many other countries.

He is the founder of the War reporting training camp for aspiring journalists in war zones. Finally, he is director of the documentary film 'Crossfire', an investigation into the death of Russian journalist Andrej Mironov and Italian photographer Andrea Rocchelli in the Donbass in May 2014


Jamie Shea


Jamie Shea has worked with NATO since 1980 and is Deputy Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges. His positions include among others Director of Policy Planning in the Private Office of the Secretary-General, Deputy Assistant Secretary-General for External Relations, Deputy Chief and Officer in charge of Policy Planning and Multilateral Affairs in the Political Directorate. Outside NATO, Jamie Shea is involved in several leading academic institutions. He is Professor at the Collège d'Europe, Bruges, Visiting Lecturer in the Practice of Diplomacy, University of Sussex, Associate Professor of International Relations at American University, Washington DC. He also lectures at the Brussels School of International Studies at the University of Kent and at the Security and Strategy institute at the University of Exeter, where he is an Honorary Fellow.  He is also Senior Transatlantic Fellow of the German Marshall Fund of the United States and Senior Fellow of the London School of Economics.

Among his many associations and participations, he is a member of the Advisory Board of Chatham House Security and Defence Programmes, a member of the Policy Council of the World Economic Forum in Geneva and a founder and board member of the Brussels Security and Defence Agenda and Friends of Europe. He is on the Council of the Danish Defence College in Copenhagen and the Académie Diplomatique Internationale in Paris.

Yulia Tymoshenko

Yulia Tymoshenko is an Ukrainian influencer active in several non-profit organisations covering the war in Ukraine. She works in marketing and communications at Saint Javelin, an organisation that uses its proceeds to send humanitarian aid to Ukraine. She is also an ambassador at Spend with Ukraine, an NGO advertising products made in Ukraine, and works for the instagram profile and Youtube channel Ukrainer.

JULIA tymoshenko.png

Garry Poluschkin

Garry Poluschkin is a consultant and country coordinator for Ukraine at the German Economic Team, a private research institute dedicated to Eastern Europe. He has been working for Berlin Economics since 2019.

(A)Political Young Generation

The main objective of this conference is to explore the delicate relationship between the youth and politics. We aim to investigate potential ways of improving the performance of institutions when dealing with "youth policies," and to ponder on the fundamental role that young people have in politics and in discussions about the future of our society.

The most pressing challenges that we must confront when reflecting on the "youth and politics" relationship are the prevailing distrust in democracy, the estrangement of younger generations from public life, and the lack of substantial changes in our society. The average age of members in the European Parliament is 49.5 years, and the situation in national parliaments is even worse. There are no critical institutions that directly involve young people in the political system, and consequently, the rate of abstention among the new generations is rising. We firmly believe that this fundamental connection must change, and that young people must have a crucial role in shaping the future of the political system.


Silvia Panini

Modenese by origin but European by academic and work experience, she studied across Germany, Italy and France and she is now completing her studies in international relations and European affairs in Berlin, with a thesis on internal democracy in political parties. She is currently doing an internship at the Italian Association of Italian Foundations and Philanthropic Institutions (Assifero), an experience that is leading her to get to know not only the world of the Third Sector in Italy but also to study the techniques of fundraising and financial sustainability of non-profit organisations in our country, in Europe and worldwide. Since November 2021, she has been part of the National Board of Directors of Volt Italia.

Domenica del Prete

Junior analyst at IARI (Istituto Analisti Relazioni Internazionali) and co-host of the podcast “Geopolitics goes informal”, Domenica del Prete is a M.A. student in International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs at University of Bologna. She has previously obtained a B.A. in International Relations at University of Bologna, as well as a Master in Export and International Business at 24Ore Business School. She is socially and politically active through cooperation with social promotion associations.


Adriano Coppa

President of the European Youth Parliament Italy (EYP Italy). Student of the Master's degree course in International Relations at La Sapienza University of Rome, he has a great passion for European and international affairs. His studies and interests have enabled him to acquire language skills in English and French and experience in public speaking and communication.

Alessandra Pierantoni

Alessandra Pierantoni has been a climate activist with Fridays for Future since 2022. As part of the writing group of the Italian branch of the movement, she wrote articles for La Stampa, Il Fatto Quotidiano and Fanpage. She’s currently studying Specialized Translation at Forlì Campus. 

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