The dignity of the Inmate
Friday, January 22nd from 02.00 pm. to 05.00 pm.
What does “populism” mean? How can we identify the advantages and disadvantages of populist rhetoric? Today populism is an extremely popular topic in political debates, yet not everyone can easily recognize the main features that identify and link its exponents. That’s why HIKMA is offering a workshop fully dedicated to a comprehensive analysis of the 21st-century populist phenomena. In a brand-new collaboration with Team Populism from Brigham Young University -collaborators of The Guardian and specialized in populist studies - the workshop will discuss populist rhetoric and the different methods to uncover it in public speeches. Professor Bruno Castanho Silvia – PhD student, a current researcher for the University of Cologne, and leader of Team Populism’s “Text Analysis” – will join us to present the history of populism, its main aspects, and the leaders who most embodied its distinctive features. At the end of the workshop, not only you will have deepened the history and profiles of famous populist characters, but you will have also recognized current politicians who still use this type of rhetoric.
What are you waiting for? Join our workshop!
Asia: a land of contradictions
Saturday, March 20th at 2.00 pm.
In our next conference, Hikma will host Netusha Naidu and Francesca Rosati to talk about the colonial and cultural roots of the various discriminated ethnicities in Asia. Moving on from the effects that decolonization has left on Asian politics and societies, we will analyze Asian politics, making reference to specific case studies of post-colonial legacies applied to the dynamics of political interactions, in the light of an evolving global order.
How can we include the numerous discriminated minorities of many Asian countries in a historical-cultural framework?
At the end of the conference, all attendants will be able to approach analysis of the Asian landscape with more solid cognitive and interpretative tools. Fill out the form to receive the invitation link to the webinar!
In Words We Trust: Speeches that Shaped American Politics
Saturday, February 26th from 2.30 pm. to 05.00 pm.
“In Words We Trust: Speeches that Shaped American Politics” will allow you to study and debate about one of most characteristic feature of the American politics: Presidential Speeches. Thanks to Professor Lorenzo Pregliasco, founder of YouTrend, the Centro Studi Americani and other special guests you will have the opportunity to analyse the historical, political and religious relevance of some of the most iconic Presidential Speeches starting from the 20th century to this day.
With the acquired skills and knowledge, you will then be able to analyse yourself the text and speech structure of one of the most debated topic nowadays, but we don't want to spoil you anything! Kennedy, Reagan, McCain, Obama… the American politics pays special attention and thorough study to political communication. Did you know that more than half of an electoral campaign's overall budget is spent on communication?
Why is a speech so important? What's behind its elaboration? These are the questions that rotate around the long tradition of rhetoric, which has very deep roots in the United States.
Are you curious to find an answer to these and many more questions? Do not miss this great opportunity, be the first to subscribe!
The Big Tech Giants
Saturday, February 20th from 2.00 pm. to 3.30 pm.
On Saturday 20th our conference on the hidden interweaving of the Big Techs will take place and you are invited! The relationship between the giants of the digital space and politics is increasingly close, yet ambiguous. Together with Stefano Epifani, Tommaso Valletti and Nicola Bilotta, we will try to investigate their social, institutional and environmental declinations to understand better the nuances of a world that is not always in black and white. Such a multifaceted theme has not only draw the attention of economists and leaders but also of politicians, philosophers and scholars. It has now become fundamental to reflect on the relationship between these fully-fledged monopolies and socio-political institutions, as well as on the impact of these giants on the increasingly urgent economic and environmental sustainability. This is why HIKMA wants you to join such a mind-opening experience, share your curiosity and critic opinions, and better understand where safe and sustainable technological development should start.
Sign up for the conference!
Russian security between nuclear and cyber: the two Allies of the Eurasian Giant
Friday and Saturday, February 12th and 13th
Hikma, together with the analysts of Osservatorio Russia, presents a workshop on the analysis of Russian military strategy and the future of nuclear power and cyber warfare.
On the first day after a historical introduction about Russian military strategies, we will discuss Russia’s hybrid warfare, information and cyber warfare, followed by a time for debate and exchange with the aim of looking at Russia with neutral eyes, free from classic ideologies and typically European preconceptions.
The second day will be characterized by an explanation of the Russian nuclear strategy with a practical interactive analysis at the end. Participants will be divided into groups and will analyze different scenarios particularly interesting for Russian security. Finally, the attendants will receive the opportunity of writing an analysis for Osservatorio Russia. The best proposal will not only be published on its website, but the winner will also collaborate directly with Osservatorio Russia! What are you waiting for? Aren't you curious to discover “big Russia", the giant feared by Europe?
NATO and new global challenges
Sunday, January 24th
HIKMA welcomes two exceptional guests within the framework of advocacy of Atlantic principles and collective security to discuss the role and the importance of NATO for security and international relations. In particular, we will analyze the main NATO scenarios of interventions with reference to specific geographical contexts, such as the Middle East and the Mediterranean. We will further debate its systemic rivalry with Russia and China, in light of the new NATO2020 agenda and its new strategies ranging from cybersecurity to the defense of airspace.
Would you like to find out more about regional and international security? Do you want to get a clearer picture of the future of international cooperation? Do you wish to find answers to your questions on security challenges? Follow our channels, send us your questions, and join our webinar to find out all about our super guests!
Journey to the center of populism
Friday, January 22nd from 02.00 pm. to 05.00 pm.
What does “populism” mean? How can we identify the advantages and disadvantages of the populist rhetoric? Today populism is an extremely popular topic in political debates, yet not everyone is able to easily recognize the main features that identify and link its exponents. That’s why HIKMA is offering a workshop fully dedicated to a comprehensive analysis of the 21st century populist phenomena. In a brand-new collaboration with Team Populism from the Brigham Young University -collaborators of The Guardian and specialized in populist studies - the workshop will discuss the populist rhetoric and the different methods to uncover it in public speeches. Professor Bruno Castanho Silvia – PHD student, current researcher for the University of Cologne and leader of Team Populism’s “Text Analysis” – will join us to present the history of populism, its main aspects and the leaders who most embodied its distinctive features. At the end of the workshop, not only you will have deepened the history and profiles of famous populist characters, but you will have also recognized current politicians who still use this type of rhetoric.
What are you waiting for? Join our workshop!
Energy Geopolitics
Saturday, December 5th 2020
On Sunday December 5th we will welcome Fabrizio Maronta, Margherita Paolini e Massimo Nicolazzi in our webinar: “Geopolitica dell’energia”. Our aim is to offer an analytical discussion of the role of energy resources within States interactions, as predeterminations and objectives of cooperation and competition. We would also like to debate on potential scopes for future policies. Starting from the economic and financial aspects of the vast world of energy, we will jointly analyze the role of the main Powers producing and exporting energy resources; we will try to understand the European position among the major global players and the characteristics of the new Green Deal. Before the final debate with our participants we will examine Before starting a debate with the participants, we will examine the main environmental implications of the current energy production and immerse ourselves in the search of valid prospects for an environmentally-sustainable and economic energy renewal.
Interviste al caminetto
Hikma's Interviews during the Covid-19 pandemic
Even from home, we are committed to keeping investigating relevant issues of international politics, to take an interest in what is happening in the world, sharing our thoughts, and asking ourselves questions. Our “Interviste al Caminetto” are precisely designed for this. Thanks to famous experts and our simple questions, we are trying to retrace thematic threads that could satisfy our followers’ curiosity and desire for further knowledge.
Visit our archive and join our webinar!
Rodolfo Lewanski,
“World café”
20 febbraio 2020
Discutere, analizzare, partecipare, stimolare. Sono queste le parole chiave del World Cafè, un metodo innovativo volto a raccogliere idee e ricercare soluzioni in un contesto assembleare e partecipativo.
Giovedì 20 febbraio a Forlì 40 studenti hanno avuto l'opportunità di discutere e dibattere temi di attualità con l'aiuto del professor Rodolfo Lewanski al World Cafè DeliberiAmo.
Lucio Caracciolo
“Europa terra di contesa:
il ruolo del vecchio
continente nel nuovo
disordine mondiale”
5 dicembre 2019
Trump, Xi, Putin ed Erdogan … e l’Europa?
Insieme al direttore della rivista italiana di geopolitica Limes abbiamo analizzato la situazione mondiale odierna e il ruolo che l’Unione Europea potrebbe, o dovrebbe, rivestire.
Michael Leigh & Gabriele Pastrello, “Inside Out: the Brexit conflict
between leave and remain”
12 novembre 2019
Although it has happened four years ago, the debate over Brexit still inflames the political arena, both in and out of the UK. Which scenarios are now foreseeable?
In una conferenza anglo-italiana, i due esperti hanno fatto il punto su un evento cruciale per l’Unione Europea, un tema ampiamente dibattuto, e troppo spesso in maniera farraginosa, esponendo agli studenti gli aspetti cruciali della Brexit e prospettando i possibili scenari futuri.
AdPI 2019: Accademia di
Politica Internazionale
27 settembre 2019
Una giornata di scambio culturale, di conoscenze ma anche di emozioni ed esperienze.
Innanzitutto le conferenze che hanno riempito la mattinata e il pomeriggio: si è parlato di Europa e Africa, della geopolitica e della geoeconomica mondiale e del sistema democratico nel ventunesimo secolo.
Ma Hikma è anche questo: un pranzo tra studenti e relatori emeriti, momento di confronto e svago, utile per scambiare opinioni ed esperienze tra una fetta di pizza e un contorno.
Stefano Ravagnan &
Stefano Bianchini,
“L’Asia Centrale
nello Scacchiere Internazionale.
Un’area contesa tra Russia e Cina”
13 maggio 2019
La Cina sta rivestendo in questo momento storico un ruolo geopolitico preponderante: ma attenzione a non sottovalutare gli attori rimanenti sulla scena.
Perché la Russia di Putin sembra determinata a riprendersi tutto quello che è suo.