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Trappola dello sviluppo regionale: le radici dell'euroscetticismo

Trappola dello sviluppo regionale: le radici dell'euroscetticismo

Trappola dello sviluppo regionale e sentimento euroscettico sono oggi più legati che mai, figli di un progetto europeo che dimostra poca credibilità e fatica a imporsi come matrice di speranza nell’animo dei suoi cittadini.
Il dinamismo economico è in stallo, e trovare una nuova armonia dello sviluppo europeo appare sempre più un lontano miraggio.

Il caso (dimenticato) di Alberto Trentin

Il caso (dimenticato) di Alberto Trentin

Alberto Trentini, cittadino italiano e volontario dell’ONG Humanity and Inclusion, è scomparso da oltre 60 giorni dopo essere stato arrestato in Venezuela mentre svolgeva una missione umanitaria. Le autorità venezuelane non hanno fornito spiegazioni sul suo fermo, sollevando preoccupazioni per la sua salute e il rispetto dei suoi diritti. Nonostante gli sforzi diplomatici italiani, tra cui richieste di accesso consolare e interventi presso organizzazioni internazionali, la situazione resta irrisolta.

The Hidden Costs of the European Energy Transition

The Hidden Costs of the European Energy Transition

The EU has a problem with its ongoing dependence on externally-produced sources, especially given newly (re)elected President Trump’s stance on trade. During an interview on January 31st, the American President declared: “Am I going to impose tariffs on the European Union? [...] Absolutely, absolutely”.

The role of religion in Israel's National identity

The role of religion in Israel's National identity

At the time of Israel's creation in 1948, Zionist leaders discussed the role that religion should have played in the new state. Some advocated for a secular identity, while others believed the state should be guided by the Torah. The tension between secular and religious values has ever since played a crucial role in shaping Israel's national identity and continues to influence its political and legal systems to this day. The blending of religious traditions with modern statehood remains a defining and contested feature of Israeli society.

Labour’s post-Brexit strategy: closer to the European Union?

Labour’s post-Brexit strategy: closer to the European Union?

The Labour government in the UK is closing its first semester since its General Elections victory in July 2024, taking office for the first time in fourteen years. It has already been eight years since the country voted to leave the EU, with 52% of voters were in favour of Brexit. The Labour party found itself in a bind, facing the consequences of Brexit, the scary costs of living crisis, economic stagnation and political turmoil. The financial crisis has deepened, with Brexit exerting significant pressure on the economy, reducing the UK’s GDP by approximately 3% since the transition period in 2020. Furthermore, Brexit has particularly hit those sectors relying on export and free movement of people.

Ménage à trois : EU, Germany and China

Ménage à trois : EU, Germany and China

The new EU tariffication on Chinese’s electronics vehicles, sparked significant debate within the bloc. Germany, one of the main opposition to the reform, revealed to be more attached economically to China than what its original Zeitwende stated. This situation reflects a broader geopolitical struggle, where the EU is seeking to "de-risk" its relationship with China amid rising trade deficits. Germany, China, and the European Union are now caught in an ironic ménage à trois, where everyone is looking out for their own interests, all while [happily] ready to cut the rope.

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